Thursday, March 31, 2011

MIT Burton House 60th Reunion

I do a brief appearance on a panel.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Links for 03-30-2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Links for 03-23-2011

  • Why I Left Rackspace and What About Openstack « Deprecation - "One thing that I think has been wrong from the start of Openstack is the definition of community.  Community is not a list of partners.  In fact, the participation of most of the companies listed on the openstack community webpage started and ended with a press release."
  • GSA: Cloud Computing Is Safer Than You Think -- Government Clouds -- InformationWeek - "The Office of Management and Budget has taken "an aggressive stance on the cloud," she wrote. "We're all on the hook to move three systems to the cloud by 2012. I'm here to tell you that it can be done intelligently and securely.""
  • Impossible world: Articles: M.C. Escher: More Mathematics Than Meets the Eye
  • RIP Digg. - "Startups in Silicon Valley are like old generals. They don’t die anymore, buoyed on life-rafts of lingering venture capital and modest revenues. They just fade away, eventually purchased for assets that are a shadow of their former promise. It’s pretty clear that Digg is on that path. The company isn’t dead, but it’s been fading away for a while, and its soul is all but gone. The company can spin it however it wants– the final nail in the coffin is news that founder Kevin Rose– long Digg’s greatest asset– is leaving."
  • New Rules for the New Internet Bubble « Steve Blank - "We’re now in the second Internet bubble. The signals are loud and clear: seed and late stage valuations are getting frothy and wacky, and hiring talent in Silicon Valley is the toughest it has been since the bubble. The rules for making money are different in a bubble than in normal times. What are they, how do they differ and what can startup do to take advantage of them?"

Friday, March 18, 2011

Links for 03-18-2011

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Links for 03-09-2011

  • Introducing Zite, the iPad's Smartest Magazine Yet - "“What’s broken is there’s so much stuff out there, and I don’t know how to get to it,” says Ali Devar, Zite’s founder and CEO. “There’s no automatic system that’s catching the important stuff I miss every day. Search doesn’t solve it. Social doesn’t solve it. A lot of [Zite beta testers] came back to us and said, ‘Thank goodness, here’s something that gives me my content and more, but filters it for me.’ People are feeling the pain, and they need it resolved.”"
  • Gambling on the future... | In-Depth Analysis | Marketing Week - "Three-quarters of marketing chiefs plan to restructure their departments this year to keep pace with the demands of digital media, according to research exclusive to Marketing Week. To help marketers keep ahead of the wave of change, there are four key areas of reorganisation."
  • InfoQ: IBM’s Reference Architecture for Creating Cloud Environments
  • High Scalability - High Scalability - Are Cloud Based Memory Architectures the Next Big Thing? - Interesting stuff if a bit all over the place. It also seems to lack a discussion of memory used within existing storage paradigms.
  • IBM100 - Good Design is Good Business - "IBM’s focus on design has its roots in a stroll down Fifth Avenue in New York that Thomas J. Watson Jr. took in the early 1950s. He stopped at an Olivetti shop where typewriters were set out on sidewalk stands for passersby to try out. The machines had sleek designs and a variety of colors. Inside, the shop was bright and modern looking. In contrast, the display areas in IBM’s offices in those days were dimly lit and its computers were drab and boxy. The lobby of the headquarters on Madison Avenue had been designed to please Thomas Watson Sr.’s early 20th century aesthetic: it looked, his son wrote, like the “first-class saloon on an ocean liner.” A few years later, as Watson Jr. was preparing to take over as IBM’s chief executive, he decided, “I could put my stamp on IBM through modern design.” Later, in a 1973 lecture at the University of Pennsylvania, Watson Jr. declared that “good design is good business.”"
  • Digital Watches and Pet Rocks  - Technology Review - "So take that as a lesson when you encounter a new technology: the first incarnations might be clunky, but that's no real indicator of its staying power."
  • Cinema Redux - "This explores the idea of distilling a whole film down to one single image. Using eight of my favourite films from eight of my most admired directors including Sidney Lumet, Francis Ford Coppola and John Boorman, each film is processed through a Java program written with the processing environment . This small piece of software samples a movie every second and generates an 8 x 6 pixel image of the frame at that moment in time. It does this for the entire film, with each row representing one minute of film time."
  • moviebarcode - Cool way of looking at films' palette.
  • Rock-Paper-Scissors: You vs. the Computer - Interactive Feature -
  • Pictures Of Cats Winning: Pics, Videos, Links, News - Hilarious!
  • Shackleton’s Antarctica in colour, 1915 « How to be a Retronaut

Friday, March 04, 2011

Links for 03-04-2011

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Links for 03-02-2011