Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Trust, Enarx and TEEs, and open source security

Today, the Linux Foundation announced the intent to form the Confidential Computing Consortium, a community dedicated to defining and accelerating the adoption of confidential computing. As it so happens, I recorded this podcast at last week with Red Hat security experts Mike Bursell and Nathaniel McCallum in which we discuss Red Hat Enarx, a project for providing hardware independence for securing applications using Trusted Execution Environments (TEE). It’s one of the projects that will be contributed to this consortium. We also cover broader issues of trust and open source security.

This episode is part of Innovate @Open, a new podcast that focuses on open source with a particular focus on how collaboration and openness are leading to new inventions and innovations.

Show notes:
Listen to podcast:
  • Trust, Enarx and TEEs, and the nature of open source security [15:51 MP3]

Gordon Haff:  You're listening to "Innovate @Open." Stories from the cutting edge of technology innovation rooted in open‑source software and collaborative processes. I'm your host, Gordon Haff.
Gordon: What I have today is a podcast I recorded last week at with Mike Bursell and Nathaniel McCallum. In that podcast we talked about the nature of trust and specifically about a new project called Enarx, which is an application deployment system that lets applications run within trusted execution environments.
This was particularly timely because today, August 21st, the Linux Foundation announced the intent to form the confidential computing consortium.
The basic idea here, is that as companies move their workloads to a bunch of different environments, hybrid computing environments, they need protection controls for sensitive IP and workload data and they're increasingly seeking greater assurances and more transparency of those controls.
The challenge is that current approaches in cloud computing address data at rest and in transit. Encrypting data in use is considered the third and possibly the most challenging step to providing a fully encrypted life cycle for sensitive data. Let's kick things off by having Mike tell us about trust.
Mike Bursell:  When you run any process, or you run any application, any program on a computer, it's an exercise in trust. You are trusting that all the layers below what you've written, assuming you've written it right in the first place, are things you can trust to do what they say they're going to do on the card.
I've got to trust my middleware, I've got to trust the firmware, I've got to trust the BIOS, I've got to trust the CPU or the hardware. The OS, the hypervisor, the kernel, all the different pieces of the software stack. I've got to trust them to do things like, not steal my data, not change my data. Not divert my data to somebody who shouldn't be seeing it. So that's a lot of pieces.
If you're looking at a standard stack of 10, 12 pieces, just think about all the different libraries you're using, all the different parts of the kernel, all those different bits. How can you trust that? That's a real difficulty.
It's the reason that people don't run sensitive workloads or keep really sensitive data on the public cloud, generally. Do you want to put your really sensitive data, your research, algorithms, programs on a public cloud service provider where they could look at it?
Or even, if you've got sysadmins, how much do you trust all of your sysadmins? Because a sysadmin, if they have root, could look at anything on any of those systems, even your internal systems.
Do you want your CEO’s payroll data to be in there? What about legal data about companies you are acquiring?
All of these things are difficult, and they are something that concerns a lot of people in the enterprise, in government, throughout the world.
We wanted to look at this. It just turns out there's some new set of technologies coming out right now called trusted execution environments. They are CPU and chipset technologies, which allow you to run programs, applications, in such a way that even the hypervisor, even root, even the kernel can't look into what you're doing.
That's great. Fantastic. They are publishing information from AMD, from Intel, from IBM, all the stuff coming out. But they're all different. They all handle the problem in a different way.
We, at Red Hat, started thinking about this and came up with some ideas. We decided that we wanted to make it easier for you to use these things.
Gordon:  That sounds really interesting. We are going into a little bit more about what this means, about what we have to trust, what we don't need to trust any longer. Nathaniel, could you walk our listeners through in a little more in detail, how this whole thing works?
Nathaniel McCallum: One of the things that we are concerned about is that a lot of our existing technologies require you, essentially, to write your application to the technology. It should be no surprise to the listeners here that Red Hat is very much against lock-in.
We want it to be possible for you to write your applications using the standard APIs that you already use, in the languages you already use, with the frameworks that you already use, and to be able to deploy these applications inside any hardware technology possible.
This is the goal of the Enarx project. One of the things we realized early on was that there's a new technology called WebAssembly which is being used in browsers all around the world. Literally, every single browser supports WebAssembly. It's being looked to very much as a sort of future to JavaScript.
The thing that's really interesting about WebAssembly to us, is that the capabilities that WebAssembly can deliver in conjunction with the WebAssembly system API. It is almost exactly the same set of functions that you can actually do inside these hardware environments.
It also means that you get to write an application in your own language with your own tooling. You can compile it to WebAssembly. Then Enarx will aid you in securely delivering that all the way into a cloud provider, and to be able to execute that remotely. The way that we do this, is we take your application as inputs, we perform an attestation process with the remote hardware.
We validate that the remote hardware is in fact, the hardware that it claims to be, using cryptographic techniques. The end result of that is not only an increased level of trust in the hardware that we're speaking to. It's also a session key, which we can then use to deliver encrypted code and data into this environment that we have just asked for cryptographic attestation on.
The end result is that you get to write your own application the way you want to write it. To get to deploy it in Enarx where you see fit, and you don't have to make your application depend upon specific hardware technologies.
Gordon:  In the show notes, I'm going to link to some information about this project. Could you take us through fairly a fairly high level how this works?
Nathaniel:  Basically, the way it works is that, once we've completed our attestation, we now have a session key that proves cryptographically that we are talking to our remote party. We can do so in a way that is encrypted using all of our standard cryptographic technologies.
We deliver the WebAssembly code that you have produced as part of your application, directly to our secure execution environment on the remote host. At that point, it is then just in time compiled for the actual CPU that you are going to run on. Then everything will be executing in that environment on the native processor.
We're also going to take care to enforce additional security measures. For example, if you persist any data, you'll be able to at some point, we don't currently implement this, but at some point will be available to read and write to a file system. The host will only see encrypted block devices.
The same thing is going to happen for networking. We're not going to allow unencrypted networking, but we will allow you to do TLS, for example, to communicate out. The end result is you just get to write your application. Then when you deploy it in this way, you have very strong assurances that there's a whole class of attacks against your application, that won't be able to get off the ground.
Mike:  What we're doing is we're basically...Remember, I talked to the beginning about how you've all got all of these layers you need to trust. We're removing the need for you to trust most of those layers, because the only things you need to trust are the chip vendor, and the firmware they provided. Which is all cryptographically signed, you can check that.
The Enarx code and the application you've written yourself and of course the Enarx code is going to be open. It's one of the kind of weird things about security. In order to be really confidential and to be closed to everyone else, you need to do your actual implementation and your coding and your design in the open. It's generally accepted these days that open source provides for better security overall.
We at Red Hat, of course, want everything to be open source. Enarx is completely open, will always be open. We're using open source technologies all over the place. We're using Rust as the main language. It's very well regarded for security, and for knowledge of what happens when things go wrong.
If you have faults in in your application, you know what's going to happen. It's not just going to start spilling digital as a place that could be used by a malicious host to work out what you're doing, for instance. We're developing in the open, so that you can do stuff in a closed way, with your sense of data, which you should control data and algorithms.
Gordon:  Take one of the things that we've seen over the last number of years and you being in security, Michael and Nathaniel, is that. I think so many people came to open source or looked at open source from the perspective of, "Oh, you never published the schematics for your alarm system if you're a bank."
No matter how good you think your security is, bring over that analog into the open‑source world and marry into the cryptography world, of course, that doesn't really apply.
Mike:  It's difficult because people assume that… That will be good analogy, that you've got your schematic of your bank vault, and a key. Cryptography is very different from that. You absolutely should never be using a cryptographic algorithm which is not known, and open, and peer‑reviewed. A really good cryptographic algorithm, the only thing that needs to be secret is the keys you're using.
They say that any fool can create a cryptographic algorithm that they can't break. I've certainly created cryptographic algorithms that I couldn't break and other people showed me how I'd gone wrong. It's one of these little things you learn to do as your apprenticeship in moving into security is doing this, so you understand how it goes wrong.
Cryptography is very much not like that. You need peer review, you need academics. Security is different, in some ways, to other parts of open source, in that there's this well‑known dictum that with enough eyes, all bugs are shallow, which is a great dictum of course.
But it's not quite that easy for security, because the number of people who have expertise in security, it's small. You need to ensure that their eyes are being applied. It's not good enough to have lots of un‑expert eyes looking at security. You need expert eyes, looking at security.
That's one of the reasons that companies like Red Hat ‑‑ but there are many others, Microsoft these days, Intel, IBM ‑‑ are spending a lot of time getting their security experts looking at cryptography and open‑source cryptography. Because it benefits the entire community and the whole ecosystem. What I call the commonwealth of what we are as an open‑source.
Nathaniel:  Just to add to what Mike was saying, this notion that with enough eyes, all bugs are shallow, this is predicated on the ratio of eyes to the amount of code.
When you are dealing with secure code, one of the things that you want to ensure is that because there are a limited number of eyes, we also need to try to limit the amount of code as much as possible.
This is why a project like an Enarx is all about reducing the trusted computing base. We want there to be a lot less code that you have to trust, which means that we need less eyes to review it to make sure it's secure.
Gordon:  We've certainly seen recently low levels of hardware in the light, that you get into these very complex pieces of engineering and it gets harder and harder to predict or to figure out every possible security exploit.
Let’s go maybe a little bit far afield as we wind this down.
Coming back to trust, what are some of the other areas in this low level, the software stack, in terms of trusted execution environments, in terms of firmware, in terms, perhaps, of CPUs themselves, where work is being done, or you think that there are possibilities to increase the security?
Mike:  Let me start with one, which is TPMs. TPMs have been around for quite a long time and people have not been using them. Partly because within the open‑source world, there was a great concern, 10, 15 years ago now, I guess in the early 2000s, that they were going to be used for DRM.
DRM has long been anathema to much of the open‑source community. They never got taken up usually within Linux and the open‑source community. There's a new version of TPM 2.0, which is much improved, and people are beginning to realize there's great benefit in using them.
The thing about a TPM is it's a hardware root of trust. It's really good for that if you need to be building up levels of trust because you can't do everything in Enarx, yet. There are times you need to build up trust, and it's a very good building block for those sorts of things. That's one example. Nathaniel, have you got some others?
Nathaniel:  There's been a variety of technologies, even besides the TPM. Unfortunately, none of them have really gone very well. Most of them have been hard to use, they've been hard to enable on the system, and they've been driven by a lot of concerns like DRM. Concerns that don't put the user first. This is why one of the key principles of the Enarx project is to make sure that we always put the user first.
Mike:  For years now, we've understood about encrypting data at rest when it's stored, encrypting data in transport when it's going over the network. We're now moving into a world where we need to encrypt data and algorithms in process.
That's what TEEs are for and that's what Enarx aims to make it easy for you to do as a developer.
Gordon:  Thank you for listening to this episode of Innovate @Open. For future episodes, subscribe to Innovate @Open on your favorite podcast app.

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