Monday, June 17, 2013

Podcast: The past, present, and future of Linux systems management

The scale and dynamism of cloud computing is changing the way in which systems need to be managed. Red Hat Satellite product managers Todd Warner and David Caplan talk about how these changes are being manifested in both current and upcoming Red Hat products and associated open source communities, such as Puppet and Foreman.

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Gordon Haff:  Hi, everyone. This is Gordon Haff, Cloud Evangelist with Red Hat, and I'm down here in Raleigh, in the shiny new Red Hat Tower, talking with our two Red Hat Systems Management Product Managers, Todd Warner and David Caplan. Welcome, Todd and David. Todd, briefly introduce yourself, and then I will have David do the same thing.
Todd Warner:  Hello Gordon, my name's Todd Warner. I've been with Red Hat for approximately 10, 11 years now, and I've been associated with the Red Hat Satellite product for the majority of that time. Recently, I had the benefit of sharing that duty with David Caplan, who's now my co‑captain on the product. David?
David Caplan:  My name's David Caplan, and I'm a Principal Product Manager for the next generation Satellite. Todd has been working diligently on Satellite 5, and I'm picking up the reins on Satellite 6.
Gordon:  We'll get into a little bit about the actual products and the road maps later on in this conversation, but let's take things up a level to start with. Maybe you could talk to our listeners about what some of the big trends that you're seeing in systems management today, and how that's driving product change. Maybe we can start with you, Todd.
Todd:  Let me talk about where the industry has been for some time, and then I'm going to turn it over to David to tell us where he sees it going in the future, and how systems management needs to address that, and then also how Satellite intends to address it directly for our customers. For the longest time now, physical systems have been the primary platform for customers to build workloads on top of, and often for small shops that's been a handful of machines. For larger shops, it might be some BladeCenters or even a data center. Satellite was built with that premise in mind, the concept of the data center.
Satellite was introduced in 2002 as a means to patch systems, provision systems, and build standard operating environments associated to systems, but times are changing. Virtualization used to be a very specialized world in the old days in computing, which was just a decade ago. Now it's very prevalent, relatively cheap, and taking over the industry.
Satellite has addressed that, but with recent trends in computing, Satellite has to be more nimble, more adaptable. With that, we're talking about cloud, hyperscale, things like that. Let me turn it over to David to talk a little bit more about that.
David:  Thanks, Todd. The world of IT, in general, and systems management in particular, has certainly grown increasingly complex. The challenges of standing up servers on bare metal has now expanded to include problems like virtualization, as Todd mentioned, but not just one flavor of virtualization. There are competing standards, including RHEV/KVM on the Red Hat side. There's VMware, of course. EC2. There's OpenStack, and then there's all the variations on OpenStack that are beginning to emerge. Systems management has to evolve alongside so that it can be nimble and basically handle these different provisioning requirements, but still keep its eye on bare metal. Bare metal is also going through some radical transformation, as we go to data center densities of 10,000 servers to hundreds of thousands of servers, as we get into the world of hyperscale. That is something that we are watching here at Red Hat.
Open source is another emerging trend that has captured the imaginations of information technology [people]. It promises, with do‑it‑yourself techniques, to take care of some of the more daunting problems of configuration, drift management, and whatnot.
What we're trying to do at Red Hat, in systems management, is to take all the benefits of open source, all the innovation, and envelop it in workflows and structure, and really allow customers to derive the full value of open source innovation, but not be burdened by all the do‑it‑yourself vagaries and cul‑de‑sacs.
Gordon:  One of the interesting things I find talking about systems management and open source is I think, arguably, systems management was a relatively late field for open source. There have been some projects around for a while, mostly in the monitoring area, but I think systems management has tended to be such a large surface area type of application that it's been really hard for open source to tackle. Today, there really are some open source technologies, including some that we are using, that have really started to have a pretty major impact.
David:  Absolutely, Gordon. For many decades, systems management was controlled by a set of well‑recognized brands. The legacy providers who built very high‑quality stuff, but the iteration and improvement tended to be very slow once these things were deployed. On the other hand, open‑source moves at a very, very fast cadence, tends to be less encumbered by what's been done before, and can take a fresh look at solving problems. An example is Puppet, something that has in many respects exceeded all expectations, and certainly capabilities beyond what the legacy suppliers have been able to do, the proprietary shops.
Todd:  I did want to add to what David was saying, is that systems management's changed, not only technologically, but also in processes, workflow, sophistication of how people model their end systems. Just 5, 10 years ago, it was only common the big houses, the big IT firms, where you would model systems and layers, develop well‑designed SOEs, and have teams that owned each little piece of the layer of the application that went out the door. That's becoming more common all the way down to even the smaller IT groups, because it's more accessible, and the tooling is much better. Open‑source has really been a cost‑effective way of getting that level of technology, that reach of technology, in the hands of people that can't afford the million‑dollar systems management deployment.
The open‑source community is really outmaneuvering the larger systems management houses, because they can focus on the small tasks, doing very well. Then, folks like Red Hat helped tie all this together and build a better, larger system.
Gordon:  Let's make things a little more concrete here, and let's talk about some of the specific things that are going on at Red Hat. By way of context here, what we're discussing in this podcast is, specifically, the systems management area. It's certainly not the only thing Red Hat's doing in management. We acquired a company called ManageIQ last December, which we're combining with some of our in‑house developed open source technology into an overall open hybrid cloud management product.
What we're going to talk about here, what we're really going to dive down here, rather than this CloudForms hybrid cloud management, is specifically the systems management side of things.
I thought maybe you could start out by describing what Red Hat means when it says "systems management," and where we are and where we're going with our systems management product that we're shipping today.
Todd:  According to Red Hat, systems management really is building that flow of defining the system, deploying that system, managing that system over time, and then recycling that system. Managing many of those, many of those definitions, many of those systems, and being able to manage that at scale. Being able to build policies surrounding that, for example security, patching, configuration management, and things like that. To Red Hat, that's really Red Hat's definition of systems management. When we associate that to where we did the ManageIQ acquisition, the driving technology behind CloudForms, Red Hat needs to, as David was talking about, the future trends that we're adapting to are systems management technologies, in this case Satellite, have to adapt to that, so that we can leverage those technologies. Like, for example, the cloud technologies that ManageIQ is bringing to bear.
With Satellite, we have the systems management, that defining systems, managing systems, recycling those systems over time, at scale, physical, virtual, and now cloud.
Gordon:  David, talk about where we're going.
David:  That was an excellent description, Todd, of Red Hat and systems management, and we're building on that in our next generation Satellite, known as Satellite 6. If I could summarize in one sentence what we're attempting to achieve in Satellite 6, it would be bare metal to cloud in a single workflow. It's the recognition that most of the work today happens in the cloudy domain, whether that's hybrid cloud, whether that's private cloud, or in the public cloud. But getting there and automating the steps from new bare metal to the new world of abstracted resource is not easy for most IT customers.
Satellite 6 is designed to begin the process with bare metal discovery, in ways that previous systems could not achieve. Primarily because Satellite 6 is unaffiliated with any one supplier of hardware.
It has to do this bare metal for all of our partners and even hardware we've never seen before. Once we have things discovered, we need to register it, we need to provision it, and we do that with end‑to‑end automation. The next step is configuration, and we do configuration with recipe‑based solutions.
The current system built today for this is Puppet. We are leveraging all the power of Puppet, and building Satellite 6 around the Puppet ecosystem, by introducing something called an "external node classifier." The combination of Puppet, of Satellite 6, and the legacy that we have built on for managing content and entitlements, should provide customers with a very, very capable solution. Not just for now, but hopefully for another decade.
Gordon:  Todd, maybe you could tell our listeners specifically, whether they're current Satellite customers or someone who's interested in doing Linux systems management, what they can get from Red Hat today.
Todd:  Thank you, Gordon. Red Hat Satellite, we just released. I shouldn't say "just." At the end of 2012, we released Satellite 5.5, and 2012, that was our 10‑year anniversary for Satellite. It's a very mature product. With that release, we were really focused on modernization and compliance features. For example, "modernization" meaning keeping up with the times, IPv6, in particular, in this case. "Compliance" meaning I want to take a policy that another group gives me, apply it to a system, and report back if that system's compliant or not. Additionally, we had some content management improvements in that release, and some generalized scalability and network bridging technologies added within that release.
Satellite 5.5 was an incremental release for us that was released in October 2012. Coming this year, we have Red Hat Satellite 5.6 coming in this fall. We're really excited about this release, in that one of the key things we're bringing to bear in this release is that we're adding improved reporting. Our customers want to be able to understand how they are consuming product from Red Hat, and operating system resources better than they have in the past, and we hope to bring that coming this fall in 5.6.
Additionally, lots of improvements as far as manageability of the product. Hot backup support, being able to split the product into two so you can scale it out better when you install it. This is the server‑side piece of Satellite that you can split into two. We want to improve the way it scales.
We also are improving our ability to do client‑side introspection, as far as troubleshooting. A core operating system service goes down, Red Hat Enterprise Linux will send the details of that crash to Satellite so that, in one console, the administrator can see why that system had issues.
We're also giving some options as far as the database that Satellite actually utilizes. We're introducing PostgreSQL as an option in Satellite 5.6.
We have some coming releases in the next couple years after that. We have currently planned out two more releases after that, into 2015. I don't really want to go into details surrounding those. They're still nebulous and in motion, but we do have, currently, 5.6 planned for this fall, a 5.7, and a 5.8, all the way out to 2015.
What's more exciting, in my opinion, Satellite 5 continues to grow and mature, and it's going to be a supported platform for many years to come. In parallel to that, we're developing our next technology Satellite, which we're calling Satellite 6, and David will talk more about that and where we're going with that.
Gordon:  David, maybe you could share a little bit of detail about what people should expect, when they should expect it, what the use cases are that Satellite 6 might make the most sense for.
David:  Certainly. Thanks, Gordon. Thanks, Todd. Satellite 6 is currently under development now, and it's a system that was built from the ground up. A lot of the capabilities of Satellite 6 are derived from Satellite 5, and would be familiar to Satellite 5 customers, and familiar to Red Hat customers who are new to systems management, because the problems that it solves are very familiar. Satellite 6 is really broken up into two major components. There's a content and entitlement piece, which takes its cue, to a large degree, from Satellite 5. Some of the changes are the introduction of our customer portal as the main access for Red Hat content. Our previous access point, Red Hat Network, served Red Hat well for many, many years, but our own success has basically caused bottlenecks in getting customer access to content when they want it and where they are located.
Satellite 6 uses a worldwide content distribution network, and it plumbs to the points of presence of that network that are closest to where our customers are. It syncs content very efficiently into a kind of a common content mirror.
From there, there are exciting new capabilities, where customers are able to create very special content containers, which are called "content views," that are similar in concept to the channels that Satellite 5 supported, but are much more performant than what we are able to do with channels, so newer technology there in delivering these things.
The other part of Satellite 6 is entitlement management. Entitlement management is very important to our customers, so a lot of effort has been put into really superb and granular reporting of subscription consumption.
The other half of Satellite 6 is concerned with provisioning and configuration. Where Satellite 5 did managed kickstarts and then used configuration channels for files and other configuration information, Satellite 6 is built on an upstream project called The Foreman. It wraps itself around Puppet in a way that simplifies the construction and manipulation of kickstart files, the introduction of special, late‑binding override parameters, and a smooth and seamless handoff to Puppet.
Where the two systems are integrated seamlessly is in the content delivery part. When Puppet runs and extracts content, when it's doing its work of provisioning a server, that content is coming from the content management system that I described previously. It's a very tightly controlled set of processes. When systems are up and running, they register for errata and can be repurposed or re‑provisioned at any time. That's basically the 10,000‑foot view of Satellite 6.
Gordon:  Great. Thanks, David. Can you maybe talk a little bit about the managed design program?
David:  Of course. The timetable for Satellite 6 is roughly a year from now, so we're talking about June of 2014. It's a big program, and it has a lot of button and knobs. What we are hoping to do is to deliver something at that time that is ready to go, and is familiar, and useful to the largest number of Red Hat customers. The way we're getting to that, or achieving that goal, is with a special program called the "Managed Design Program." The idea of this program is to pre‑release Satellite 6 at three different stages between now and GA, and let our customers experiment with the software, exercise the workflows, and then give us feedback about what could be better, what they love about the product, we're hoping to have a lot of about what they love about it.
It also allows us to have a much closer relationship with those customers who have a real stake in open source systems management and Red Hat.
This program is a big win for our effort to build the right product at the right time, but it's also a win for our customers, because they will be able to see many of their great ideas and innovations incorporated into something that they can subscribe to when the product becomes generally available.
The first MDP drop will happen this summer, and then the others in three‑month cadence.
Gordon:  Briefly, what would a typical customer getting involved in the managed designed program look like?
David:  The ideal MDP participant would have Satellite 5, be using Satellite 5, and exercising many of its complex workflows. Whether it's patching, provisioning, configuration, content management. Those types of flows will be covered in the MDP version of Satellite 6, so that would be very important to us. Equally important are customers that are already ahead of the curve, and are using Foreman and Puppet today, and are looking for ways of tying it back into their content and content versioning. That would be the second candidate.
Lucky for us, as we've gone out and talked to many of our customers, we find that there are many, many Satellite 5 customers are already using Puppet today. They're experimenting with Puppet, and they're using it the do‑it‑yourself way, and looking to Red Hat for guidance, and looking to Red Hat for enterprise expertise in tying these things together. That basically describes the ideal candidate, Gordon.
Gordon:  I think one of the takeaways from here, and I think Todd, you may have been the one that used the term, "hyperscale," is as we look to how cloud computing is developing, one of the hallmarks is you're talking about orders of magnitude difference in terms of the increase in the number of running instances under management. Trying to handle that kind of thing manually certainly hasn't been, necessarily, a very good idea for many years now. When you're talking thousands of instances in even a moderate‑sized organization, that simply can't be done manually or you're just asking for runaway administration costs, and for that matter, runaway compliance problems.
David:  Right, Gordon. In the past decade at Red Hat, we've seen our customers expand from tens of machines to 100 machines, to thousands of machines, to tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands of machines being managed. They're able to do this because A, the technology is getting cheaper at the client side, and B, the workflow and processes in order to manage those systems has been improving over time.
Satellite's been right there with them the whole time, but we are seeing the challenge with the boom in number of systems represented by virtualization and cloud, that Satellite has to be able to adapt to extreme large numbers of systems. How does a customer deal with this issue? The fact that they have workloads that are spanning many, many systems.
One way is to expand the number of actual human beings working on those problems, but that's not realistic. Satellite exists today and it does expand to thousands of systems, but we're working towards Satellite 6 being positioned to better manage many, many, thousands of systems with a reasonably small team of administrators. That's the challenge today. That many systems, and make sense of it, to a reasonable number of people.
Gordon:  Fundamentally, this is just one facet of everything has to be automated in a consistent way. Thank you David and Todd. Anything you'd like to add?
David:  No, only that it's a pleasure doing this podcast, I hope our customers find this interesting. Satellite is a tremendous product, it has tremendous success with our customers, and I hope you're encouraged that we're not standing still. Satellite is improving, and we're making investments in new technologies in the open source world with existing product today, and where we're going in the future.
Todd:  We're very excited about what will be coming out through our MDP program and then through our general availability of Satellite 6. Pay attention, check out and see what's going on with the latest systems management, and thank you very much.
Gordon:  Thank you David, thank you Todd.

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