Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Links From Mashup Camp

As I've written about on Illuminata Perspectives, I'm spending most of this week at Mashup University and Mashup Camp at MIT. Here are a few things that particularly caught my eye that I'll be checking out further.

My first link isn't directly connected to "mashups" (see this piece by my colleague Jonathan Eunice for a broader discussion of the whole mashup phenomenon.) However, the principal investigator for the FutureBOSTON competition connected with this event, Tom Piper, has led a lot of interesting work previously. I highly recommend checking out Beyond the Big Dig, a series of case studies about urban open space projects that have many parallels--both good and ill--to the continued wrangling over open space that the Big Dig freed-up in Boston.

If you're into boating, checkout Virgil Zetterlind's destinsharks.com. It's a boating and fishing blog, but apropos the topic at hand, it's a mashup of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) data, such as buoy locations and water depth, with Google Earth. It's still a work-in-progress, but what's already in place is really worth checking out.

I'll have to dig into some of the development tools that I've seen a bit deeper before I can have a real opinion on them, but the Boxely UI Toolkit from AOL for developing rich desktop applications is one interesting possibility. It allows for all sorts of interesting animations and transitions for multimedia content as well as for the basic interface elements. A preview is available for download.

A few other resources that may be worth checking out:

  • programmableweb.com - General resource for mashups and Web2.0 APIs
  • openkapow.com - Simplify mashups development (including RSS and screen-scrapes)
  • microformats.org - The AOL guys were really pushing these as an alternative to heavier-weight XML


  1. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Hi Gordon, Steve said you took notes at the licensing/biz models discussion yesterday. Are you planning to blog that?

    I was in another session, but would love to hear more about what happened there.

  2. Hi Anne,
    Yes. I will blog the session in a somewhat more refined way (probably over at www.illuminata.com/perspectives) within the next few days, but the "raw" notes with some reordering and cleanup to make them a bit more readable and useful is up on the Mashup Camp wiki: http://wiki.mashupcamp.com/index.php/LicensingCommericalMashup

  3. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Is there any progress on bizmodels for mashups? Or is '08 the beginning of the mashup end?

  4. Anonymous2:55 PM

    any mashup camps in canada


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